Believe. In the end, it's all we can do.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


I've been noticing with Georgie since i got her 8 months ago, but especially now, that her reaction in a 'flight or fight' situation is always to investigate . I don't just mean in a normal 'Look at that scary blue pipe xc jump!' either, blue pipes are no problems for Georgie. I mean in a 'German Shepherd dog jumps out of a bush from behind her on a trial ride' situation. Her reaction is always to spin around and make friends. Always. Thats a bad example, and i know, i'm lucky she doesn't spook at dogs.
One morning i got down to my agistment and i couldn't find Georgie anywhere. I was getting rather panicy when the owner of the property had a call from a neighbour saying that they had a 'Chestnut who seemed to be having a nap on their lawn'. We raced up there to find Georgie lying down and completely passed out on their lawn. All because she'd got curious about whatever was on the other side, and jumped the fence.
Despite that, her curiosity has got to be one of my favourite things about her. I love that when she doesn't want to leave the paddock i only have to pretend to be looking at something she wants to see, and over she comes. Or that when i take her into the barn she'll put her nose into everything she's not supposed to. Or, my personal favourite, that she's so interested in her grooming tools that when i need someone to hold one of them i can give it to Georgie, and she'll hold it in her mouth. She's definately a cutie.
I think what adds to this, is that she's very, very bold. About everything. I don't know if i've written about this in an earlier blog, and if i have then feel free to skip over this.. On Georgie's first trial ride i took her on with two of my friends who both have geldings who are over the age of 10, one slightly less mature than the other though.. There were several times when the two boys would not do something that was apparently life threatenly scary, (like walk past some goats) and little baby Georgie would have to step up and take over, which she did perfectly every time without making a fuss.

I think i made my point, Georgie is a pretty non-fuss horse. Its hard to believe she's only been off the track 8 months.
We have our first Gymkhana this Sunday, if i can ever get better from this terrible virus. I'm pretty excited, get to make Georgie look all clean and well presented. Although that is actually quite hard as i have never actually seen a TB that gets a winter coat like Georgie, she looks like a wolly mammoth. Ohh well, i'm sure we'll have pictures by Sunday night.
Thanks for reading!

P.s, The above is a video i made of Slate and Georgie (read earlier blog post about Slate) on youtube, please subscribe to me if you like it!

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