Hi ! I've created a new blog for the new year because i accidently let this one go a bit, so please follow my new one ! I always enjoy reading your comments and thoughts on my posts. It'll be a bit different, still with a huge emphasis on horses (especially Georgie !) but also with interesting quotes and pictures and videos.
I hope to see you there !
Sunny Days with an OTT Thoroughbred.
A blog about my 5 year old OTT Thoroughbred's re-training progress, who happens to be re-trained by me... A 16 year old Aussie teenager. This is our story!

Believe. In the end, it's all we can do.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Pony Club and the H&D ODE!
Well Guys, i have great news !
Let me first start by saying that no, Georgie isn't better but i have booked the chiropractor for her for next Monday! So hopefully he'll be able to fix her, and that this next week off will let her rest and help her muscles relax again.
However, the amazing lady that owns Slate said that i could take him to Pony Club, and ride him in the ODE. I am so so so so excited for this Sunday, i can't wait. It will be like my old 12 year old self. Of course a few things have changed, we've both got older, wiser (Slate has atleast..) and we've both been through a lot, so it will be interesting to see if we are both still as connected as we once were.
If your new to this blog, let me just say that Slate is a legend of a horse. He is simply amazing and one of a kind, and i am so lucky to have this opportunity to ride him again.
I will of course keep you all updated, but i am only 5 weeks away from grade 10 exams so if i'm a bit late on the blog posts, i'm sorry! The only reason i'm writing in the middle of the day today is because i'm at home sick. :(
Anyways, please wish me luck! I know you all will. :P
Let me first start by saying that no, Georgie isn't better but i have booked the chiropractor for her for next Monday! So hopefully he'll be able to fix her, and that this next week off will let her rest and help her muscles relax again.
However, the amazing lady that owns Slate said that i could take him to Pony Club, and ride him in the ODE. I am so so so so excited for this Sunday, i can't wait. It will be like my old 12 year old self. Of course a few things have changed, we've both got older, wiser (Slate has atleast..) and we've both been through a lot, so it will be interesting to see if we are both still as connected as we once were.
If your new to this blog, let me just say that Slate is a legend of a horse. He is simply amazing and one of a kind, and i am so lucky to have this opportunity to ride him again.
I will of course keep you all updated, but i am only 5 weeks away from grade 10 exams so if i'm a bit late on the blog posts, i'm sorry! The only reason i'm writing in the middle of the day today is because i'm at home sick. :(
Anyways, please wish me luck! I know you all will. :P
Sunday, 9 October 2011
'Horses, who'd have them?'
So the name of todays blog post has everything to do with this next paragraph. I don't even know what to write really. This weekend was terrible, 3 out of 4 horses injured in two days! Including Georgie! The muscles in her hindquaters and back legs have seized up and she's quite tight, probably from either slipping over or having a fight with one of the others. This means no riding and she needs a chircopracter. I'm really a lot upset, we were going to PC for the first time in months next weekend because my shoulder has finally come right, but now we just have to see how she goes during the week and on saturday. Fingers crossed for us please!
We had Georgie's first gymkhana last weekend, was such a fun relaxed day! We both had the best time and she was so well behaved! The judge in our ridden classes loved her, said 'she's a really lovely TB mare and i'd have no problems showing her in the more experinced competitions, like the Royal'. Well, i already knew she was lovely and no thanks to the showing as me and Georgie are more keen on eventing but i was still very pleased with my beautiful girl!
Also, i'd like to thank Ruffles from 'Just A Girl and Her Horse' for my award for this blog! It was my first award and i really appreciate it! It has made me much more motivated to write more frequent blogs. I'd give Ruffles an award back, as i lover her blog! However i actually have no idea how 'awards' work, or what they mean. But Ruffles, please know that if i did have a clue you'd be the first person i'd give one to!
Anyways, as usual i'll attach some photos, these are the ones from the gymkhana last Sunday! I'll also attach a link to my youtube account, i started all over again so at the minute there are only three videos up but please watch them!
Also, please leave a comment or subscribe to my blog, i love hearing from you all!
My Youtube link. ^
We had Georgie's first gymkhana last weekend, was such a fun relaxed day! We both had the best time and she was so well behaved! The judge in our ridden classes loved her, said 'she's a really lovely TB mare and i'd have no problems showing her in the more experinced competitions, like the Royal'. Well, i already knew she was lovely and no thanks to the showing as me and Georgie are more keen on eventing but i was still very pleased with my beautiful girl!
Also, i'd like to thank Ruffles from 'Just A Girl and Her Horse' for my award for this blog! It was my first award and i really appreciate it! It has made me much more motivated to write more frequent blogs. I'd give Ruffles an award back, as i lover her blog! However i actually have no idea how 'awards' work, or what they mean. But Ruffles, please know that if i did have a clue you'd be the first person i'd give one to!
Anyways, as usual i'll attach some photos, these are the ones from the gymkhana last Sunday! I'll also attach a link to my youtube account, i started all over again so at the minute there are only three videos up but please watch them!
Also, please leave a comment or subscribe to my blog, i love hearing from you all!
My Youtube link. ^
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Feral Georgie.
Well i've been giving the all clear with my shoulder and so Georgie is in the process of going from an very feral horse into a sane one again.
I moved agistment properties about a month ago, so where im now agisting has an indoor (which is great for when its raining!) and a lovely instructor who is giving me lessons although at the minute she's under the impression that my usually lovely, quiet, sensible horse is literally insane. Poor George.
Also, It really is a very long story, but the short and short of it is that in Georgie's paddock now is her Mum Antinea, AND Slate (read the last blog entries if you don't know about Slate..)! I'm so happy at the moment, even though i don't own either of them its so amazing to have Slate back in my life!
This Sunday I'm taking Georgie to a Fun Gymkhana purely for a fun day out! I'm very excited and really looking forward to taking her in the Topsy classes!
Then in another two weeks we'll have the October PC, and a week after that the H&D ODE.
All i can realy say is, thank God this weather has finally improved!
I was trying to upload a video for you all to see of my little Bubba having fun in the paddock after beakfast unfortunately its not working! So I'll just have to be happy with these photos of me and Georgie in a lesson last Saturday.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Eventing Season!
I'm so so excited, the season officially starts in one week from this Sunday! Starting with the Monmouth ODE (which i tragically can't attend as Georgie's not fit enough!) i can just tell this season is going to be especially amazing! However what i am most excited about, and a little nervous, is getting back into eventing again after a year off! I'm really putting everything into making little Georgie the superstar i know she is.
As you guys all know, she's straight OTT, very green and never evented before in her life so this season is going to be huge. I'm hoping to start her off with one grade 5 (for the people who don't event or aren't horsey or don't know the height of the grades, grade 5 is 50cm.) and then if she does well, and is quite confident and relaxed i'll move her up to grade 4 (65cm) in time for the next ODE. My plan is to hopefully do two of them, and then mover her onto grade 3 (85cm) in time to qualify for State Trials in March next year. This is my goal, however i'm keeping realistic and non-competitive too. If Georgie doesn't take to eventing like everyone thinks she will, then we'll take the season slow. This is her very first season and i'll have her forever so i don't need to rush anything.
On top of the above, i'm debating whether or not to do the Royal. We'd be entering the 65cm show jumping round, Novice Hack, Pony Club Hack, and a Rider Class. I know Georgie could do it all, however i don't know how she'd handle the noise, the crowds and the rides.
On top of that, she's actually not even in work at the moment! So starting tomorrow, look out Little Porge! Boot camp alert! I'll start with some lunging i think, because although i don't personally like lunging horses she is going to be a little bit spazzy, and i don't feel like injuring my shoulder again. And then i'll do lots of straight line work, transitions, and maintaing the same rythm. On Sunday i'll work on her canter transitions, which are a little messy at the moment, and maybe some cavaletti.
AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT, i'll keep a long story very short but basically Georgie is about to have the company of two very special 4 legged friends sharing her paddock, SLATE (who you all know, if not read below!) and Georgie's Mum! Not owned by me though, but by Francine who gave me Georgie in the first place! I'm very, very excited! So excited i honestly can't put it into words!
Georgie's mum is coming tomorrow, and Slate in a week.
So guys, i'm very very busy at the minute but lucky school holidays are only a week away!
Also, thank you to my 8 follows, especially the ones who regularly comment on my posts, i want to say that i'd really love to comment back to you all but unfortunately something is wrong with my Blogspot account and won't let me! Sorry! But thank you all very much for reading these, and if you had questions or something, email me on facebook!
As you guys all know, she's straight OTT, very green and never evented before in her life so this season is going to be huge. I'm hoping to start her off with one grade 5 (for the people who don't event or aren't horsey or don't know the height of the grades, grade 5 is 50cm.) and then if she does well, and is quite confident and relaxed i'll move her up to grade 4 (65cm) in time for the next ODE. My plan is to hopefully do two of them, and then mover her onto grade 3 (85cm) in time to qualify for State Trials in March next year. This is my goal, however i'm keeping realistic and non-competitive too. If Georgie doesn't take to eventing like everyone thinks she will, then we'll take the season slow. This is her very first season and i'll have her forever so i don't need to rush anything.
On top of the above, i'm debating whether or not to do the Royal. We'd be entering the 65cm show jumping round, Novice Hack, Pony Club Hack, and a Rider Class. I know Georgie could do it all, however i don't know how she'd handle the noise, the crowds and the rides.
On top of that, she's actually not even in work at the moment! So starting tomorrow, look out Little Porge! Boot camp alert! I'll start with some lunging i think, because although i don't personally like lunging horses she is going to be a little bit spazzy, and i don't feel like injuring my shoulder again. And then i'll do lots of straight line work, transitions, and maintaing the same rythm. On Sunday i'll work on her canter transitions, which are a little messy at the moment, and maybe some cavaletti.
AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT, i'll keep a long story very short but basically Georgie is about to have the company of two very special 4 legged friends sharing her paddock, SLATE (who you all know, if not read below!) and Georgie's Mum! Not owned by me though, but by Francine who gave me Georgie in the first place! I'm very, very excited! So excited i honestly can't put it into words!
Georgie's mum is coming tomorrow, and Slate in a week.
So guys, i'm very very busy at the minute but lucky school holidays are only a week away!
Also, thank you to my 8 follows, especially the ones who regularly comment on my posts, i want to say that i'd really love to comment back to you all but unfortunately something is wrong with my Blogspot account and won't let me! Sorry! But thank you all very much for reading these, and if you had questions or something, email me on facebook!
Friday, 19 August 2011
Gold Wraith Photography

I've always really liked photography, but now that i have my pretty special little camera that i got for my birthday i just love it!
Here are just a few of the very many photos i got last weekend!
One Slightly Insane Horse....
Well guys, i have to say that at the moment i have one very insane little horse!
Because of my shoulder injury and the fact that its been way to wet to ride, Georgie has literally had no work for about a month. She has become slightly feral and destructive...
Last weekend she got so destructive she thought she'd organise a break out at midnight on Saturday night. She went through the fence and took her boyfriend (My friend Sarah's horse, Monty) with her.
I cannot wait for next Saturday when i can bring Georgie back into work, and also have an indoor arena to ride in. I also cannot wait for thisventing season to start, two weeks now! Of course i can't do the first event on September 4th because obviously Georgie won't be fit enough, but ive it 6-8 weeks and we'll be out there!
I think when i bring her back into work i'll start by re-enforcing the basics like standing still while i mount and responding to my leg aids immediately.
Sorry this blog update is so short but with no riding and foul weather my 'Progress Reports' are very limited, unless you'd like to hear about trying to get a feral 5y/o to stand still long enough to fit new dressage saddle?
Because of my shoulder injury and the fact that its been way to wet to ride, Georgie has literally had no work for about a month. She has become slightly feral and destructive...
Last weekend she got so destructive she thought she'd organise a break out at midnight on Saturday night. She went through the fence and took her boyfriend (My friend Sarah's horse, Monty) with her.
I cannot wait for next Saturday when i can bring Georgie back into work, and also have an indoor arena to ride in. I also cannot wait for thisventing season to start, two weeks now! Of course i can't do the first event on September 4th because obviously Georgie won't be fit enough, but ive it 6-8 weeks and we'll be out there!
I think when i bring her back into work i'll start by re-enforcing the basics like standing still while i mount and responding to my leg aids immediately.
Sorry this blog update is so short but with no riding and foul weather my 'Progress Reports' are very limited, unless you'd like to hear about trying to get a feral 5y/o to stand still long enough to fit new dressage saddle?
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